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It is the worst of all deals when you lose the camel to save the fetters.

بئس العوض من جمل قيده.

It is the worst of all deals when you lose the camel to save the fetters.

Idioms & Expressions
Just listening to evil talk is evil enough.

حسبك من شر سماعه.

Just listening to evil talk is evil enough.

Idioms & Expressions
Just lower your head, and this too will pass.

تطأطأ لها تخطئك.

Just lower your head, and this too will pass.

Idioms & Expressions
Just tell him these are red dates, and he will insist they are glowing embers.

لو قلت تمرة لقال جمرة

Just tell him these are red dates, and he will insist they are glowing embers.

Idioms & Expressions
Knowledge is afflicted by forgetfulness.

آفة العلم النسيان.

Knowledge is afflicted by forgetfulness.

Idioms & Expressions
Keep your dog hungry, and it will follow you everywhere.

أجع كلبك يتبعك.

Keep your dog hungry, and it will follow you everywhere.

Idioms & Expressions
Kindness enslaves all free men.

بالبر يستعبد الحر.

Kindness enslaves all free men.

Idioms & Expressions
A large spoon reaches the bottom of every pot.

تخرج المقدحة ما في قعر البرمة. (المقدحة: المغرفة؛ البرمة: قدر مصنوع من حجر)

A large spoon reaches the bottom of every pot.

Idioms & Expressions
Learned men are God's custodians of humanity.

العلماء أمناء الله على خلقه.

Learned men are God's custodians of humanity.

Idioms & Expressions
Less defined than a "thing."

أنكر من شيء.

Less defined than a "thing."

Idioms & Expressions
Less food means less illness.

خفف طعامك تأمن سقامك.

Less food means less illness.

Idioms & Expressions
Less reachable than an eagle in the sky.

أمنع من عقاب الجو.

Less reachable than an eagle in the sky.

Idioms & Expressions
Less reachable than a vulture's egg.

أبعد من بيض الأنوق. أعز من بيض الأنوق. (الأنوق: العقاب، الرخمة)

Less reachable than a vulture's egg.

Idioms & Expressions
Less reliable than the water of a creek.

أغدر من غدير.

Less reliable than the water of a creek.

Idioms & Expressions
Less useful than a lamp placed in the sunlight.

أضيع من سراج في شمس.

Less useful than a lamp placed in the sunlight.

Idioms & Expressions
Less useful than a sheath that has no blade.

أضيع من غمد بلا نصل.

Less useful than a sheath that has no blade.

Idioms & Expressions
Let us dismount, for we have reached greener pastures!

أمرعت فانزل.

Let us dismount, for we have reached greener pastures!

Idioms & Expressions
Lies undermine all communications.

آفة الحديث الكذب.

Lies undermine all communications.

Idioms & Expressions
]Someone[ lies more than a captive.

أكذب من الأخيذ. (الأخيذ: الأسير)

Someone[ lies more than a captive.]

Idioms & Expressions
Like a camel driver who has just lost his caravan.

كالحادي وليس له بعير. (الحادي: سائق الإبل)

Like a camel driver who has just lost his caravan.

Idioms & Expressions
