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Utilisation period at maximum capacity of one unit (more units)

فترة استعمال القدرة القصوى لاكثر من وحدة

Utilisation period at maximum capacity of one unit (more units)

Electrical Engineering
Conti tyre system (CTS) [UK] / Conti tire system (CTS) [US]

نظام Conti-Tyre-System (CTS)

Conti tyre system (CTS) [UK / Conti tire system (CTS) [US]]

Message switching network / Store and forward switched network

شبكة تبديل الرسائل شبكة توصيل الرسائل

Message switching network / Store and forward switched network

Electrical Engineering
stored energy operation (of a mechanical switching device)

تشغيل بالطاقة المخزونة لجهاز فصل ووصل ميكانيكي

stored energy operation (of a mechanical switching device)

Electrical Engineering

مركز تشليح سيارات (في الخليج)


