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as cross as a bear with a sore head

غاضب؛ بحالة نفسية سيئة

as cross as a bear with a sore head

Idioms & Expressions
that is his story and he is sticking to it

تلك هي إفادته عما حدث وهو متمسك بها؛ ذلك هو سرده لما حدث ويرفض تغيير ما قال

that is his story and he is sticking to it

Idioms & Expressions
Longer lasting than a message engraved in stone.

أبقى من وحي في حجر. (الوحي: الرسالة، المكتوب)

Longer lasting than a message engraved in stone.

Idioms & Expressions
Things you store in pots will be consumed, but things you keep in your heart will stay forever.

يفنى ما في القدور ويبقى ما في الصدور.

Things you store in pots will be consumed, but things you keep in your heart will stay forever.

Idioms & Expressions
Throw the stone back at those who threw it at you.

رد الحجر من حيث جاءك.

Throw the stone back at those who threw it at you.

Idioms & Expressions
people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

من يعيش في بيت من الزجاج لا يحق له أن يرشق الناس بالحجارة؛ على المرء أن يبتعد عن اتهام الناس بعيوب موجودة فيه هو

people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Idioms & Expressions
sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me

الاستهزاء أو الازدراء سوف لا يؤذيني أو يؤلمني أبدا لكن الحجارة والحصى تكسر عظامي

sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me

Idioms & Expressions
Because the dates are so tasty, one doesn't want to spit the stones.

من شهوة التمر يمص النوى.

Because the dates are so tasty, one doesn't want to spit the stones.

Idioms & Expressions
