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]Someone is so deft that[ he would easily lift the kohl from a woman's eyelids.

يسرق الكحل من العين.

Someone is so deft that[ he would easily lift the kohl from a woman's eyelids.]

Idioms & Expressions
]Someone is so stupid that[ he wouldn't know the difference between his elbow and his foot.

لا يعرف الكوع من البوع. (البوع: عظم في مشط القدم)

Someone is so stupid that[ he wouldn't know the difference between his elbow and his foot.]

Idioms & Expressions
His words are air in a cage.

كلامه ريح في قفص.

His words are air in a cage.

Idioms & Expressions
An honorable man's word is a debt he must repay.

وعد الكريم دين.

An honorable man's word is a debt he must repay.

Idioms & Expressions
Hope ends when life ends.

لا تخرج النفس من الأمل حتى تدخل في الأجل.

Hope ends when life ends.

Idioms & Expressions
Horses are the best judges of their riders.

الخيل أعلم بفرسانها.

Horses are the best judges of their riders.

Idioms & Expressions
Horses recognize their own riders.

عرفت الخيل فرسانها.

Horses recognize their own riders.

Idioms & Expressions
Hotter than live coal.

أحر من نار الغضى. (الغضى: نوع من الخشب يبقى جمره زمنا طويلا لا ينطفئ)

Hotter than live coal.

Idioms & Expressions
An hour's pain is better than hours of pain.

وجع ساعة ولا كل ساعة.

An hour's pain is better than hours of pain.

Idioms & Expressions
How painful can an ant's bite be!

ما عسى ان يبلغ عض النمل.

How painful can an ant's bite be!

Idioms & Expressions
Hungrier than a wolf.

أجوع من ذئب.

Hungrier than a wolf.

Idioms & Expressions
Hurricanes sweep away all kinds of windfall.

مال تجلبه الرياح تأخذه الزوابع.

Hurricanes sweep away all kinds of windfall.

Idioms & Expressions
I am furious and you're in rage how can we turn a new page!

أنا تئق وأنت مئق فكيف نتفق. (التئق: الممتلئ غضبا؛ المئق: من يكاد يبكي من شدة الغيظ)

I am furious and you're in rage how can we turn a new page!

Idioms & Expressions
I am not the first man to be deceived by a mirage.

لست بأول من غره السراب.

I am not the first man to be deceived by a mirage.

Idioms & Expressions
I bet if I traded in coffins, no one would ever die.

لو اتجرت بالأكفان ما مات أحد.

I bet if I traded in coffins, no one would ever die.

Idioms & Expressions
I'd rather be devoured by a lion than eaten by a dog.

يأكلني سبع ولا يأكلني كلب.

I'd rather be devoured by a lion than eaten by a dog.

Idioms & Expressions
I'd rather eat my own flesh before anyone else does.

آكل لحمي ولا أدعه لآكل.

I'd rather eat my own flesh before anyone else does.

Idioms & Expressions
I fed you my best broth, in anticipation of a day like this.

لمثل هذا كنت أحسيك الحسا.

I fed you my best broth, in anticipation of a day like this.

Idioms & Expressions
If a lion spares you, don't be tempted to hunt it down.

إن سلمت من الأسد فلا تطمع في صيده.

If a lion spares you, don't be tempted to hunt it down.

Idioms & Expressions
If God doesn't provide, all hard work remains useless.

رزق الله لا كدك.

If God doesn't provide, all hard work remains useless.

Idioms & Expressions
