English Arabic dictionary قاموس إنجليزي عربي

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mechanical, mechanistic; automatic, power, power-driven, self-driven, self-acting, self-propelled, automotive; mechanized, automated; motorized, motor


mechanical, mechanistic; automatic, power, power-driven, self-driven, self-acting, self-propelled, automotive; mechanized, automated; motorized, motor

to break, breach, commit a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, transgress; to default, fail to meet or perform; to prejudice; to disturb, upset, disrupt

أخل بـ: خرق، خالف

to break, breach, commit a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, transgress; to default, fail to meet or perform; to prejudice; to disturb, upset, disrupt

to liquefy, melt, dissolve

أماع: أذاب، أسال

to liquefy, melt, dissolve

capacity, competence; aptitude, fitness, eligibility, qualification, capability, ability, efficiency; merit, desert, worthiness, worth

أهلية: صلاحية، جدارة، استحقاق

capacity, competence; aptitude, fitness, eligibility, qualification, capability, ability, efficiency; merit, desert, worthiness, worth

dissolution, dissolving, solution, melting, liquefaction, thaw(ing), fusing, fusion


dissolution, dissolving, solution, melting, liquefaction, thaw(ing), fusing, fusion

liquefaction, dissolving, dissolution, melting

إسالة: إذابة، تمييع

liquefaction, dissolving, dissolution, melting

to meet, come together, join (each other); to get together, assemble, gather, congregate, collect, band together; to rally

اجتمع: التقى، تلاقى، تجمع

to meet, come together, join (each other); to get together, assemble, gather, congregate, collect, band together; to rally

meeting; get-together, gathering, assembly, convention, congregation; session; turnout; rally; social life, community life


meeting; get-together, gathering, assembly, convention, congregation; session; turnout; rally; social life, community life

contentedness, content(ment), satisfaction

احتساب: اكتفاء

contentedness, content(ment), satisfaction

to be alone (with), retire (with), withdraw (with), meet separately (with), hold a closed meeting (with)

اختلى (بـ أو مع)

to be alone (with), retire (with), withdraw (with), meet separately (with), hold a closed meeting (with)

being alone (with), meeting separately (with), holding a closed meeting (with)

اختلاء (بـ أو مع)

being alone (with), meeting separately (with), holding a closed meeting (with)

to consider, contemplate, reflect on, meditate on, ponder on

ارتأى: تدبر، تأمل

to consider, contemplate, reflect on, meditate on, ponder on

confusion, disconcertion, discomfit(ure), disquiet(ude), perturbation, agitation, uneasiness, fluster, befuddlement, embarrassment, perplexity, puzzle(ment), baffle(ment), nonplus, bewilderment; muddle, jumble; entanglement, snarl, tangle


confusion, disconcertion, discomfit(ure), disquiet(ude), perturbation, agitation, uneasiness, fluster, befuddlement, embarrassment, perplexity, puzzle(ment), baffle(ment), nonplus, bewilderment; muddle, jumble; entanglement, snarl, tangle

advance(ment), progress, development, rise, rising, promotion

ارتقاء: تقدم

advance(ment), progress, development, rise, rising, promotion

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of, be worth

استأهل: استحق

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of, be worth

to respond to, react to, act or feel in response to; to show or adopt a favorable reaction to, be favorable to; to grant, comply with, accede to, fulfill, consent to, agree to, accept, hear, carry out, answer, meet, satisfy

استجاب لـ

to respond to, react to, act or feel in response to; to show or adopt a favorable reaction to, be favorable to; to grant, comply with, accede to, fulfill, consent to, agree to, accept, hear, carry out, answer, meet, satisfy

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of; to be entitled to, have the right to

استحق: استأهل

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of; to be entitled to, have the right to

to receive; to meet, go to meet, come to meet

استقبل: لاقى

to receive; to meet, go to meet, come to meet

to deserve, merit, be worthy of

استوجب: استحق

to deserve, merit, be worthy of

merit, desert, worthiness, worth; one's due; entitlement

استحقاق: أهلية، جدارة

merit, desert, worthiness, worth; one's due; entitlement

