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check, parity (odd-even check) | check, parity

تدقيق التثبت

check, parity

principal defects of the purchasing power parity concept

العيوب الرئيسية لمفهوم تعادل القوى الشرائية

principal defects of the purchasing power parity concept

principal defects of the purchasing power parity concept

العيوب الرئيسية لمفاهيم تعادل القوى الشرائية

principal defects of the purchasing power parity concept

GDP, PPP ; gross domestic product purchasing power parity

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي حسب تكافؤ القوة الشرائية

GDP, PPP ; gross domestic product purchasing power parity

equivalence, equality, parity, evenness; commensurability, proportion(ateness)

تكافؤ: تساو، تناسب

equivalence, equality, parity, evenness; commensurability, proportion(ateness)

Asia-Pacific Seminar on the Use of Purchasing-Power Parities

الحلقة الدراسية لآسيا والمحيط الهادئ المتعلقة باستخدام تعادلات القوة الشرائية

Asia-Pacific Seminar on the Use of Purchasing-Power Parities

children ever born; mean number of children ever born per woman; average parity

عدد المواليد (لامرأة واحدة); متوسط عدد المواليد الذين تنجبهم المرأة; معدل الإنجاب

children ever born; mean number of children ever born per woman; average parity

equality, equivalence, parity, evenness, sameness, identity; equal rights, equality before the law

تساو (التساوي)

equality, equivalence, parity, evenness, sameness, identity; equal rights, equality before the law

equality; equal rights, equality before the law; equivalence, parity, evenness; identity, sameness

مساواة: تساو

equality; equal rights, equality before the law; equivalence, parity, evenness; identity, sameness

resemblance, similarity, likeness, alikeness, analogy, similitude, affinity, parallelism, correspondence, parity; identity


resemblance, similarity, likeness, alikeness, analogy, similitude, affinity, parallelism, correspondence, parity; identity

